One Week Before VP Shunt Surgery
I am no doctor or surgeon. I am a patient of many doctors, love doing research, learning more and writing about it.
In 2017, I met my now second husband and was introduced to a medical neurosurgeon, Dr. Kenning at Albany Medical Center. He informed me of a surgery that would protect my eyesight and potentially help my migraines and headaches. He educated me about the VP Shunt; the potential risks and positive outcomes the shunt could have. I was referred to Dr. Gandhi at the Neurology Center in Orlando, Florida. Below is a similar VP shunt, all VP shunts are different.
Just two weeks ago, I met with his nurse practitioner, Sarah. She reviewed everything that Dr. Kenning had sent down from Albany Medical Center. After some long discussions and debating with the doctor, I decided to go ahead with the VP Shunt surgery.
It’s now one week before surgery and I am still nervous about the surgery. The thought of having a hole drilled into my skull is just terrifying. I’ve looked at all other options and discussed countless options with the doctor. After having spinal taps on a monthly basis, Dr. Kenning and Gandhi feel the Shunt is the best option. Although the shunt is an elective surgery, it’s still surgery. No surgery is better than any surgery at all.
When looking back more than twenty years ago, the thought of having a hole drilled into your head would be considered a big deal. Today, surgeries involving any type of shunt involves only a few days in the hospital followed by a few weeks rest.
The surgery itself is anywhere from two to three hours long. The shunt itself consists of the tubing, valve or pump (if applicable), and usually three incisions. One incision in the head, one in the neck, and one in the stomach.
I made the brave decision today to get my hair cut. When I mean cut, I don’t mean just a trim or layered. I went from full-length head of hair, half way down my back to less than shoulder length with half of my head shaved. After having the cut done, I was quite pleased with the results. However, the pain in my head is so bad, I can’t sleep or eat.
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